Carbon-Ukraine - Equipment Manufacturing


  • About Us

    activated carbon, nanoporous carbon, carbide-derived carbonCarbon-Ukraine ltd. serves diverse customers across a variety of industries including the filtration, energy, defense, pharmaceutical, and biomedical sectors. Our mission is the development, production and supply of MAX phases, two dimensional nanomaterials MXenes, porous and activated carbon materials, materials characterization, as well as design and manufacturing of equipment for MXene synthesis and nanostructured carbon production. Our consultative process leads to custom materials tailored to each customer's precise needs.

    Carbon Ukraine company is located in Kiev, Ukraine, and represented in the USA by MXene Nano Tech LLC and Nano Carbon Tech LLC in Poland. Our staff includes engineers trained in nanotechnology, organic and inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science and metallurgy. Carbon-Ukraine ltd. has gained wide recognition for its innovative processes and products.

    Whether you're creating new products or want to upgrade existing ones, we welcome your inquiries. Our controllable process allows us to rapidly optimize a material for your specific needs, and our engineering and sales team is always available to answer your questions. We encourage you to learn more about the exciting possibilities we offer you, and we look forward to partnering with you to improve your product's performance.

    Our Kiev area research and manufacturing center is fully capable of developing and producing porous carbon materials and MXenes tailored to meet your needs.

    Carbon-Ukraine also provides experimental synthesis of different materials for research needs, including MAX phases Ti3AlC2, Ti2AlC, Ti3AlCN, V2AlC, Nb2AlC and others, MXenes Ti2C, Ti3C2, V2C and others - multillayered, delaminated in aqueous or solvent media, different surface functionalisaztion can be developed on the order as well. For the best research results we recommend to use our materials, that have high quality and proven controlled stable properties that is the critical point in research.

    Due to many years of successful cooperation Carbon-Ukraine is official MXene licensed partner of Drexel University, USA, the initial inventor of these materials, allowing us manufacture MXenes and MXene products in different forms (for various applications) for research and educational purposes and supply them worldwide. 


    Dear researchers, 

    We are very glad to inform you that our laboratory in Kyiv is active and continues working on the synthesis of MAX phases and MXenes, now we synthesize the materials for all the orders and also have already some materials in stock. In spite on the hard situation in Ukraine we  have verified  logistics and now successfully deliver international orders worldwide. 

    We supply  Ti3AlC2, Ti2AlC, V2AlC, Nb2AlC MAX-phase materials and MXenes and also customized laboratory etching reactors fro  MXene synthesis and others related to MAX phase and MXene processing.  Please send all your enquiries and contact us for your orders by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Thank you for support Ukraine and use high quality Ukrainian products!

  • Etching Reactor for MXene synthesis (acidic etching of MAX-phase powders), productivity up to 100 g per batch

    Our Ukrainian partner Materials Research Centre(MRC) offers manufacturing of Etching Reactor for MXene synthesis.

    Our partners from MRC (Kiev, Ukraine) design and manufacture laboratory reactors for stable MXene synthesis with controlled synthesis parameters, that allows to obtain up to relatively big quantity of MXene per batch ( up to 20-100g). Even relatively exotic MXenes can be manufactured in tens of grams per batch in laboratory environments, which is already a large amount for any nanomaterial. The ability to scale up MXene synthesis allows for rapid testing in a variety of fields, where large quantities are needed. Synthesis of even 50–100 g batches of MXene  provides the opportunity for commercial production of, for example, MXene inks for printing electronic devices and many others.

    Laboratory etching reactor for MXene synthesis, 2d carbides

    MRC mission is technology development, design and manufacturing of specialized laboratory equipment for different research needs. Our staff includes engineers trained in design, manufacturing, as well as nanotechnology, chemistry, electrochemistry, and materials science. We can help you to develop solutions for your needs within a wide range of materials and equipment for their manufacturing.


    While most nanomaterials are only available in “nano” quantities, research team of professor Yury Gogotsi  in Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Drexel Universuty (USA)  can make in their lab as much as 100 grams of MXene at a time, using a reactor developed with the Materials Research Center in Ukraine.

    The reactor with controlled feed rate and temperature allows rapid optimization of processing for your specific needs, and our engineering and sales team is always available to answer your questions. 

    Etching reactor with computer control system has the following advantages:

    - automatically controlled cooling system for keeping stable temperature

    - additional computer recording and displaying the temperature curves of the etching process

    - computer control system for adjusting the rate of material feeding and mixing

    - possibility to connect the supply of neutral gases through the process

    - possibility to connect two monitors for operating and displaying of process parameters

    - possibility to connect the control unit to laboratory/institutional computer network, monitor and operate the process parameters though intranet/internet remote computer access


    Solution for MAX-phase for etching is poured into reactor and hermetically closed by a cover, which enables a controlled and safe removal of hydrogen.

    MAX-phase feeding is done at a constant rate.  To prevent deposition of material, the solution is constantly mixed. Chemical reaction of MAX-phase etching is exothermic. A water-cooled shell and feeder for material supply are designed for the temperature control.

    MAX-phase etching is done following, for example, the reaction:

    Ti3AlC2 + 3HF + 2H2O = AlF3 + 5/2H2 + Ti3C2(ОН)2

    Hydrogen that is formed during the etching process flows into the discharge system for further utilization or is discharged. After etching, the solution is discharged for product purification from reaction products and other impurities.

     Read more about the MXene synthesis technology in our publication:

    C. E. Shuck, A. Sarycheva, M. Anayee, A. Levitt, Y. Zhu, S. Uzun, V. Balitskiy, V. Zahorodna, O. Gogotsi, and Y. Gogotsi, Scalable Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene. Advanced Engineering Materials 22, 1901241(2020)

    Publications about scaling up of MXene synthesis and Etching reactors:

    Michel W. Barsoum, Yury Gogotsi, Removing roadblocks and opening new opportunities for MXenes, Ceramics International,Volume 49, Issue 14, Part B, 2023, Pages 24112-24122. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.10.051.

    C. E. Shuck, A. Sarycheva, M. Anayee, A. Levitt, Y. Zhu, S. Uzun, V. Balitskiy, V. Zahorodna, O. Gogotsi, and Y. Gogotsi, Scalable Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene. Advanced Engineering Materials 22, 1901241(2020) doi: 10.1002/adem.201901241

    M. Alhabeb, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, P. Lelyukh, L. Clark, S. Sin, Y. Gogotsi, Guidelines for Synthesis and Processing of 2D Titanium Carbide (Ti3C2Tx MXene), Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29 (18) 7633-76445.


    Hossein Riazi, Srinivasa Kartik Nemani, Michael C. Grady, Babak Anasori, Masoud Soroush, Ti3C2 MXene–polymer nanocomposites and their applications, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 8051-8098. doi: 10.1039/D0TA08023C


    C. E. Shuck and Y. Gogotsi, “Taking MXenes from the Lab to Commercial Products” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 401, pp. 125786, 2020


    Pritishma LakheSafety in Process Scale-up of MXene and Graphite Oxide Production, PhD Thesis, Texas A&M University, 2020


    Fundamental Aspects and Perspectives of MXenes, Editors: Mohammad Khalid, Andrews Nirmala Grace, Arunachalam Arulraj, Arshid Numan. Series Engineering Materials, Springer International Publishing, 2022


    Chao Peng, Tao Zhou, Ping Wei, et al. Photocatalysis over MXene-based hybrids: Synthesis, surface chemistry, and interfacial charge kinetics. APL Mater. 9, 070703 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0055711


    MRC and Carbon-Ukraine offer MXene technology development, Flexible engineering design, Customized manufacturing tailored to meet your needs

    MRC encourage you to learn more about the exciting possibilities we can offer you, and we look forward to partnering with you to improve your material's synthesis and manufacturing.

    To buy high quality MXenes or MAX phases from reliable MXene supplier for research needs and for further information and detailes about ordering Etching Reactor for MXene synthesis please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or our partners at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    To get a quota with price on MXene synthesis or price on MAX phase powders please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • MAX-phases and MXene, synthesis for research purposes

    We supply at good price  MAX phase powder and MXenes, customized laboratory etching reactors for  MXene synthesis and other equipment related to MAX phase and MXene processing.  Please send all your enquiries and contact us to order MXene or MAX phase by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Due to many years of successful cooperation Carbon-Ukraine is the official MXene licensed partner of Drexel University, USA, the initial inventor of MXene materials, allowing us manufacture MXenes and MXene products in different forms (for various applications) for research and educational purposes and supply them worldwide.

    Research grade high quality MAX phase powders and MXene materials from Carbon Ukraine company 

    Carbon-Ukraine provides synthesis and supply various regularly available MXenes Ti3C2, Ti3CN, V2C, Ti2C, Nb2C and Mo2Ti2C3 delaminated, multilayered, MXenes in aqueous media and different solvents, specific surface functionalisation and customizable flake size. MXene scaled up synthesis is also possible, prices are affordable.

    Carbon-Ukraine synthesize and supply various MAX-phasepowder with different composition for MXene synthesis. MAX phases Ti3AlC2, Ti2AlC, V2AlC, Nb2AlC, Cr2AlC, Ti3AlCN, Mo2Ti2AlC3, Mo2GaC, Mo2Ga2C, V4AlC3, Nb4AlC3, Cr2TiAlC2, Mo3VAlC3, Ta4AlC3 are available or possible to synthesize on specific customized orders. Contact us for MAX phase price and get a quota on the MAX phase of  your interest.

    Carbon-Ukraine is engaged in experimental synthesis and customized manufacturing of  various materials for scientific research needs. We synthesized MAX-phase and MXene materials for more than 300 universities, research laboratories and  companies from different countries within joint R&D projects and customized orders.

    Also we are open for cooperarion with academy and industrial partners, and will be glad to take part in international research and development projects.We have many successfully completed Horizon 2020 European projects, US DoE projects and are open for all r&d collaborations.


    Our MAX-phase materials have specific composition intended for obtaining MXene. Available particle size:  ≤ 200, ≤100, ≤ 40 microns or bulk material. MAX-phases solid samples or targets are also available. 


    MXene materials can be produced and supplied in the following forms:

    • MXene paste (Ti3C2, Ti3CN, V2C, Ti2C, Nb2C and Mo2Ti2C3  aqueous solutions or in organic solvents), delaminated, multilayered
    • MXene powder with a particle size distribution range from hundreds of nm up to tens of µm
    • MXene thin film deposited on a substrate
    • MXene freestanding film (3-100 microns)
    • MXene colloidal solution of delaminated single-layer or few layer MXene sheets 
    • Freestanding cold-pressed discs

    MXene Carbon-Ukraine

    Our Ukrainian partner Materials Resaerch Centre (MRC) offers manufacturing of Etching Reactor for MXene synthesis.

    To get a quota with a price on MXene or MAX phase powder or cost of MXene synthsis please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Read more about the upscaled MXene synthesis technology in our recent collaborative article with Nanomaterials Group from Drexel University:

    C. E. Shuck, A. Sarycheva, M. Anayee, A. Levitt, Y. Zhu, S. Uzun, V. Balitskiy, V. Zahorodna, O. Gogotsi, and Y. Gogotsi, Scalable Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene. Advanced Engineering Materials 22, 1901241(2020)

     Carbon-Ukraine supplied high quality materials that were used for research described in the following research papers, patents and books of our customers: 

    Eom, W., Shin, H., Ambade, R.B. et al. Large-scale wet-spinning of highly electroconductive MXene fibersNat Commun 11, 2825 (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16671-1

    Gao, X., Du, X., Mathis, T.S. et al. Maximizing ion accessibility in MXene-knotted carbon nanotube composite electrodes for high-rate electrochemical energy storageNat Commun 11, 6160 (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19992-3

    A. Sarycheva, A. Polemi, Y. Liu, K. Dandekar, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, 2D titanium carbide (MXene) for wireless communicationScience Advances, vol. 4, no. 9, 2018. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau0920

    Jeffrey D. Cain, Amin Azizi, Kathleen Maleski, Babak Anasori, Emily C. Glazer, Paul Y. Kim, Yury Gogotsi, Brett A. Helms, Thomas P. Russell, and Alex Zettl, Sculpting Liquids with Two-Dimensional Materials: The Assembly of Ti3C2Tx MXene Sheets at Liquid–Liquid Interfaces, ACS Nano 2019 13 (11), 12385-12392. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b05088

    Read more MXene research papers with Carbon-Ukraine MXenes and MAX phase powders used

  • Self Propagating High Temperature Syntheis Reactor - SHS Reactor, customized equipment manufacturing

    Our Ukrainian partner Materials Research Centre(MRC) offers manufacturing of SHS Reactor.

    Our partners from MRC (Kiev, Ukraine) design and manufacture customized laboratory reactors for Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis

    Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS), also known as combustion or autoignition synthesis, creates materials by starting an exothermic reaction among powdered reactants. It stands out for being self-sustaining—generated heat continues the synthesis without needing an external heat source. SHS is widely used in making various materials like ceramics, intermetallic compounds, and composites.

    The design of a reactor for Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) is a critical aspect of ensuring the success and safety of the process. The reactor must be able to initiate and sustain the exothermic reaction while allowing for control over key parameters.

     We provide development of  SHS technologies, design and manufacturing of customized specialized equipment intended for synthesis of novel materials using non-critical raw materials as a precursor for SHS technology.

    SHS reactor and its thermal model: General view of the SHS reactor; Cross-section of the reactor; Thermal model of the SHS reactor with 60 g of the reaction mixture showing the temperature field in the reactor during the combustion synthesis.

    customized SHS reactor

    Vorotilo, S., Shuck, C.E., Anayee, M. et al. Affordable combustion synthesis of V2AlC precursor for V2CTx MXene. Graphene and 2D mater 8, 93–105 (2023).

    For orders please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.